- To continue improvements in the Wi-Fi network on campus, more than 300 new Wi-Fi access points are being installed in multiple areas throughout the campus to extend and strengthen Wi-Fi signal and improve connectivity in targeted areas. The addition of more access points — or network devices that bridge wired and wireless networks — […]
- Two research training programs at The ý School of Nursing are introducing Bachelor of Science in Nursing students to skills and experiences most often reserved for nurses pursuing an advanced degree. “Nurses make a big difference with hands-on patient care and they also play a crucial […]
- Researchers hope to bring MRI biomarker to dementia risk stratification in patient care, clinical trials Contact: Steven Lee, (210) 450-3823, lees22@uthscsa.edu Content contributed by Will Sansom SAN ANTONIO, Jan. 22, 2024 — A ribbon of brain tissue called cortical gray matter grows thinner in people who go on to develop dementia, and this appears to […]
- Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD, chair, physical medicine and rehabilitation, was quoted in this news story. Read More
- Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD, chair, physical medicine and rehabilitation, was quoted in this news story. Read More
- Jane Lynch, MD, pediatrics, division of pediatric endocrinology and diabetes, was interviewed for this news segment. Watch Now
- Last October, we shared the legislative directive and initial strategy ý would employ to ensure compliance with Senate Bill 17. Since that time, we have executed this strategy and evaluated a wide range of programs, activities and initiatives across our institution. Instrumental in this effort has been the meaningful engagement of […]
- The ý (ý) has earned a “Best Company Culture” award from Comparably, an employer recruitment, culture and branding site, out of tens of thousands of large organizations based on real-time feedback from current employees over 12 months. The institution is the only San Antonio-based […]
- Contact: Steven Lee, (210) 450-3823, lees22@uthscsa.edu SAN ANTONIO, Jan. 16, 2024 – The ý (ý) has earned a “Best Company Culture” award from Comparably, an employer recruitment, culture and branding site, out of tens of thousands of large organizations based on real-time feedback from […]
- Help us name the institution’s primary orange branding color as part of Week 2 of the Celebrate the Best Of contests. Prizes will be awarded for the first 50 submissions along with a grand prize for the submitter of the winning name. See the prizes and how to submit your suggestion. The submission window […]