Office of Clinical Research
Supports the research community by ensuring completion of all applicable institutional components and approvals for human research. Assists with External IRB applications.
The Office of Clinical Research (OCR) ensures the completion of all institutional components for human subject research studies when using either the UT Health SA IRB or an external IRB. The services the OCR provides to researchers include:
- Assistance with training research personnel
- Verifying credentialing
- Approving Research Scope of Practice for study team members who do not have a locally recognized medical license
- Research participant recruitment assistance via the Find A Study website
- Applications for single IRB review when the UT Health SA IRB is not the IRB for all study sites
- Approving storage of investigational drugs or devices outside of an institutional pharmacy
- Assistance with registering studies and reporting study data on ClinicalTrials.gov
- Assistance with VA human research studies
Office Staff

Brandie Otten
Research Compliance Manager
Otten@uthscsa.edu | (210) 567-8251

Karen Nijland, BPharm
Research Compliance Coordinator - Sr
NijlandK@uthscsa.edu | (210) 567-8554

Patricia Alexander
Research Compliance Coordinator - Sr
AlexanderP@uthscsa.edu | (210) 567-8256

Alyssa Hernandez
Research Compliance Coordinator
HernandezA51@uthscsa.edu | (210) 567-8254

Stephen Blake Luis
Research Compliance Specialist
LuisS@uthscsa.edu | (210) 567-8553

Bhumi Patel
Research Compliance Specialist
PatelB6@uthscsa.edu | (210) 567-8259

Angelika Malolos
Research Compliance Specialist
Malolos@uthscsa.edu | (210) 567-8267

Human Research Protection Program
Information for Research Participants
Contact Us
Office of Clinical Research
7526 Louise Pasteur Dr.
University Plaza Building
San Antonio, TX 78229
United States