
Anonymous Reporting Tool

If you notice an area at ý that is regularly used as a “smoke break” area by one person or a group of people, or if you notice a particular individual who is using tobacco on campus at any time, please use the anonymous reporting tool to let us know.

We will use this information to identify problematic areas on campus and come up with appropriate plans to deal with the violations of our tobacco-free policy.

Thank you for helping us keep ý tobacco free.

We need to know:

How often does the violation take place?

  • Multiple times a day
  • Every day
  • A few days a week
  • Only on weekends
  • I don’t know, I’m just reporting an incident taking place now

What time does the violation usually take place?

  • 8am-10a
  • 10am-12pm
  • 12pm-2pm
  • 2pm-4pm
  • 4pm-6pm
  • After 6pm
  • I’m reporting an incident taking place right now

Describe the area where the violation is taking place (for example, you could say: behind the Holly auditorium, on the lawn in front of the dental school, by parking garage B)

Product(s) being used

  • Cigarette, cigar
  • Vape pen/e-cigarette
  • Smokeless tobacco

Occupation of the individual

  • Student
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Visitor
  • Contractor/Vendor
  • I don’t know

If you have any additional comments or concerns, .

ý wants to support you in your decision to quit smoking!