
UT Health Physicians

Pediatric/Adult Allergy and Immunology

An allergy is an abnormal reaction by your body’s immune system to something that should be harmless. Medications, pollens, insect stings and foods can cause an allergic reaction. We test for allergies by a skin test or blood test.

We offer board-certified allergists and immunologists. We can diagnose, treat and educate families with children who have drug, environmental (indoor/outdoor allergies), insect sting, or food allergies and/or anaphylaxis. For adult or pediatric appointments, please call 210-450-7337.

Food Allergies
Cow’s milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (pecans, walnuts, cashews), and seafood (shellfish, fish) are common food allergens.  Knowing common signs of food allergies is important so that a treatment plan can be made as soon as possible.

Environmental Allergies
Environmental allergies are caused by a variety of things.  Mountain cedar, oak, grass and ragweed pollens, dust mite, mold and animal dander are common environmental allergies.

Symptoms of Environmental Allergies.
Symptoms occur after exposure to allergens that are indoors (pets, mites, mold) or outdoors (pollens, mold).

  • Itchy watery nose, sneezing, congestion
  • Watery, itchy eyes
  • Frequent “sinus” infections

Pollen allergies occur seasonally with symptoms lasting for a month or more:

  • Spring (March, April)- oak, pecan pollen, elm, maple
  • Summer (April through August) - weeds and grasses (late summer)
  • Fall (Sept, Oct) – ragweed
  • Winter (December, January) -  mountain cedar

Treatments for Environmental Allergies:

  • Saline nasal rinses
  • Nasal sprays (corticosteroids and anti-histamines)
  • Oral anti-histamines and leukotriene receptor antagonists
  • Allergy shots, tablets, or drops

Common signs of food allergies/anaphylaxis:

  • Red itchy rash (hives)
  • Swelling of  the face, lips or tongue
  • Stomach pain/diarrhea
  • Vomiting/reflux
  • Difficulty breathing/wheezing
  • Headaches and fainting to low blood pressure

Diagnosis and Treatment of Food Allergies
Bring a list of foods that cause a reactions, as well as the type of reactions that occur, to your appointment. We will perform allergy testing and possibly an oral food challenge. Most reactions can be controlled with anti-histamines (Benadryl) but for severe reactions we will prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector. While avoiding food allergens in the diet is the best way to avoid reactions, in some cases, oral desensitization may be recommended.

The staff delivers care at our medical center location, 5282 Medical Drive, San Antonio, TX  78229, as well as University Hospital. 

For adult or pediatric appointments, please call 210-450-7337.

Fax: 210-450-2121