
UT Health Physicians

Omicron: Isolating and quarantining properly

With a massive surge in Omicron cases across Bexar County, it's important that you know how to isolate and quarantine properly. 

If you've been exposed to the virus that is when you need to quarantine and stay home.

Exposure occurs if you have been within six feet of someone positive for COVID for at least 15 minutes in a 24 hour time period. While you may not immediate display symptoms, you could get infected after the incubation period.

If you test positive after exposure, that is when you need to self isolate in your home. 

It can be a challenge to self isolate if you live with other people. However, you should designate a space for yourself away from others and have a dedicated restroom that only you will use. If it is not possible to isolate yourself in a room you should wear a mask to try to reduce the risk of exposure or transmission to others in the household. And all other household members should be wearing one too. 

It's not too late to schedule your vaccine or booster, . 

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