
UT Health Physicians

Improve circulation and prevent muscle atrophy with Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Cycle Sessions

UT Health Physicians is excited to offer our patients Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Cycle Sessions. 

This leading-edge therapy uses pulses of electrical stimulation to strengthen paralyzed or weakened muscles, reduce atrophy and reduce muscle spasms.​

FES cycle sessions are customized to care for your specific needs and have shown to improve the symptoms of:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Other neurodegenerative conditions

Regular FES cycle therapy can improve your function, prevent re-hospitalization, and help you avoid health problems, like pneumonia and pressure sores. 

If you believe FES cycle sessions could benefit you, schedule a professional physical therapy evaluation. During your evaluation, your personalized RT300 cycle profile will be custom-created to care for your specific needs and track your progress. 

Most patient schedule one, two or three cycle sessions per week. Each FES Cycle Session costs $30 and consists of a 15-minute set-up, 30 minutes of cycling and 15 minutes for electrode removal. 

To schedule an evaluation or request more information please call us at 210-450-9680

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