
School of Nursing

Goals and Objectives

The APOYO project outlines key strategic goals and objectives aimed at enhancing the academic and professional development of students in the School of Nursing. These initiatives focus on enriching curricula, developing mentorship programs, and fostering a culture of research. Goal 1 emphasizes delivering high-quality, innovative clinical education through initiatives like mentor-based research and clinical excellence programs. Goal 2 highlights efforts to support student growth through mentorship and community-building activities, particularly for Hispanic and low-income nursing students. Goal 3 promotes a research-driven culture by expanding research opportunities and enhancing student success through data-informed practices.


Goal 1: Enrich existing programs to deliver high-caliber curricula.
Streamline the transition to practice through innovative clinical models.

Objective 1.3: Mentor Based Research Curriculum

Objective 2.2: Distinction in Clinical practice

Objective 2.3: Implement a Clinical Scholars Program

Objective 2.4: Clinical Excellence Seminar Series

Goal 2: Develop mentorship programs that encourage professional growth of students.
Create events and opportunities to foster caring relationships amongst our SON community (faculty, staff and students).

Objective 2.1: Quality Improvement and Knowledge transition Mentorship Program

Objective 3.1: Expand Hispanic Student Nurses Mental Health and Wellness Support

Objective 3.1: Increase Nursing Affordability through Financial Literacy Advising and Campus Employment

Objective 4.2: Advance Hispanic Nursing Student Success through peer mentorship and academic support programs

Goal 3: Promote a culture that values research and research collaboration.
Enhance research infrastructure and platforms to support the SON and interprofessional priority areas.

Objective 1.1: Expansion of Undergraduate Research Experiences

Objective 1.2: Co-Authorship for Peer Reviewed Manuscripts

Objective 1.4: UG Research Seminar Series

Objective 4.1: Build a Culture of Nursing Student Success Data to increase retention and graduation for Hispanic and Low-income students