Debby Hepburn Chair 2019-2023
Since 1983, the Nursing Advisory Council (NAC) has been an invaluable source of support to the School of Nursing. The NAC was established with seven members under the leadership of then Dean Patty L. Hawken. Brigadier General Ken Milam served as the first chair from 1983 through 1985. The Council has served as a bridge between the school and community. Formed with an approved set of guidelines and committees, its purpose was to raise funds for research and other special activities.

Today, the NAC’s mission is “To promote excellence in nursing care by supporting baccalaureate and graduate degree programs through increasing community visibility and financial support of the UT Health School of Nursing.” This mission is executed through its current and emeriti members by facilitating partnerships, increasing awareness of the school’s programs and activities, and generating financial support for students and faculty.
With funds raised at the annual NAC Spring Luncheon, the Council over the past five years has been able to award more than $300,000 in student scholarships and faculty grants and scholarships.