Our Wellness Home offers programs and services for faculty directors who are looking to develop wellness initiatives targeted at their respective department or division trainees.
Wellness Mosaic
The team at the Wellness and Resiliency Center created the Wellness Mosaic, an innovative approach to promote wellness within your training program.
We offer customized wellness presentations and guidance on how to implement wellness activities to meet the needs of your program. Some examples from our menu of options include:
- Presentations on burnout
- Mini-workshops on resilience and mindfulness
- Facilitation of focus groups
- All-day retreats
Contact gmewellness@uthscsa.edu to discuss your goals and ideas.
Transition to Residency Risk Index (TRRI)
The move from medical school to residency is a critical time for training new residents. Trainees enter residency programs with concerns for their readiness, fears of medical errors, or belief they do not belong. Many incoming residents harbor additional stressors that exacerbate these typical concerns and may complicate their transition.
The Transition to Residency Risk Index (TRRI) was created as a tool for self-awareness, recognizing the need to facilitate the transition from medical school to residency with a focus on addressing depression, burnout and suicide during the first months of residency. By incorporating the TRRI into New-Resident Orientation, program leadership can identify residents at higher risk for a difficult adjustment and isolation, and tailor resources for them.
Debriefings & Group Support
The Resiliency Center formed a Crisis Response Working Group in November of 2017. The purpose of this group is to design a support protocol for adverse events and provide evidence-based support guidelines to departments for smaller critical events that can be managed as they arise. More information on debriefings and group support will be available soon.
Mindfulness Training
Mindfulness is awareness with openness, intention, curiosity and kindness. The Wellness and Resiliency Center offers a variety of ways to learn and engage in mindfulness including workshops and holding brief mindfulness sessions at your preferred location.
Wellness Champions and Wellness Chiefs
Wellness Champions and Wellness Chiefs are designated agents of change and wellness promotion across departments & divisions of 大象传媒. They identify needs and areas of improvement within their programs and provide ideas and plans to improve or maintain the overall wellbeing of the program鈥檚 members. We assist Wellness Champions and Wellness Chiefs in implementing the Wellness Mosaic or other practical and evidence-based interventions to improve health and wellness, enhancing personal resilience, improving efficiency of practice, and further establishing a culture of wellness.
Participants in the Wellness Champions and Wellness Chiefs program include faculty, residents and fellows from the diverse programs within 大象传媒 GME.