
School of Health Professions

SHP faculty present at American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Faculty from across the School of Health Professions participated in the 2021 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) conference held virtually Sept. 24–29.

“ACRM is the premier interdisciplinary rehabilitation organization that brings together national and international clinicians, researchers, administrators and policy makers,” said Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Occupational Therapy Timothy Reistetter, PhD, OTR, FAOTA. “ACRM facilitates networking opportunities, scholarly discourse and collaboration to guide the rehabilitation field.”

The following School of Health Professions faculty presented during the conference:

Dr. Reistetter was the moderator for the panel titled “Patient-Centered Engagement in Collaborative Rehabilitation Research.”

Physical Therapy Assistant Professor Anjali Sivaramakrishnan, PT, PhD, and Assistant Professor Sandeep Subramanian, PT, PhD, participated in a symposium presentation titled “New Frontiers in Use of Virtual Reality for Neurorehabilitation.” Dr. Subramanian was also invited to be part of a themed live discussion on “Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation.”

Dr. Subramanian and physical therapy students Laura Gandy and Krislyn Sy were presenting authors on the poster “Tango Together: Developing and Implementing Dance Workshops in a Memory Care Center,” which was selected as the year’s Best Early Career Poster in Rehabilitation. Other authors on the poster include physical therapy student Kevin Hamilton, occupational therapy students Alejandra Medina and Patricia Prado, Annette B. Santos, RN, Sara Masoud, MPH, and Carole White, RN, PhD.

Dr. Subramanian presented the poster “Estimation of task practice intensity in individuals with mild traumatic brain injury.” He also was an author for two other posters, “Feasibility and efficacy exercises in women with lymphedema post breast cancer – a pilot study” and “Effects of a yoga-based exercise program on health-related quality of life in breast cancer survivors.”

Assistant Professor Bobby Belarmino, PT, DPT, PhD, CCS, presented “Effects of acute physical therapy services on individuals with acute decompensated heart failure.”

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Assistant Professor Rocío Norman, PhD, CCC-SLP, participated in a symposium “Cognitive-Communication and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The State of the Evidence.” She also participated in a themed live discussion on mild traumatic brain injury and led the Veterans and Military Affairs Task Force networking happy hour.

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