School hosts first-ever career fair for health professions students

The School of Health Professions held its first-ever career fair on April 27, bringing dozens of employers to campus to meet with students.
The school’s graduates are sought after by employers, said Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs David Henzi, EdD, FASAHP.
“The School of Health Professions educates a student population which is in high demand from local hospital and clinical settings,” Henzi said. “It was great to have many of those partners in attendance for the first School of Health Professions career fair.”
The career fair was developed in response to student interest, said School of Health Professions Senior Administrative Assistant Corey Flack, who organized the event that drew 29 employers from various health professions to Holly Auditorium.
“The students requested this career fair,” she said. “It was by popular demand from the students, who came prepared with questions. We were able to make it happen.”