MLS students celebrate profession with a little friendly competition

Celebrated on campus in late April, the 48th Medical Laboratory Professionals Week included a microscope scavenger hunt and other fun and games intended to raise awareness of a profession that isn’t as well known as other health professions.
Four teams of medical laboratory sciences students ran through their clinical laboratory paces at top speed while competing in a game inspired by the Nintendo video game Mario Kart. Student teams raced to correctly answer questions in the categories of blood bank, microbiology, clinical chemistry and hematology to advance along a life-size gameboard set up in a large meeting room in the Academic Learning & Teaching Center. The game design was created by Division of Medical Laboratory Science Laboratory Manager and Instructor Nathan Bullock, MHA, MLS (ASCP)CM.
Despite their essential work in support of the diagnosis of disease, medical laboratory scientists typically occupy a low profile. That is why highlighting the profession with its own week is important, said Director of Clinical Education and Assistant Professor in the Division of Medical Laboratory Sciences Cordy Kudika, MA, CHS (ABHI).
"We want our students to be proud of their chosen profession. Even though the patient never sees us, we make a big impact on their medical care," Kudika said.
Shayla Rubio, a first-year master’s student, was one of the students competing in the game. She said despite working behind the scenes, medical laboratory scientists' work supports and validates the diagnoses patients receive.
Assistant Professor Tiffany Wafford, MSTM, MLS (ASCP), SBB, said highlighting the profession can help raise awareness of the important work carried out by medical laboratory scientists.
“It’s a week of appreciation and awareness,” she said.