
School of Health Professions

Medical laboratory sciences students receive white coats

MLS Class of 2024 poses in white coats after ceremony
Medical Laboratory Sciences Class of 2024


The Medical Laboratory Sciences Class of 2024 held its white coat ceremony on Sept. 15.

The event marked the second time the program has held a white coat ceremony, which symbolizes the transition from the pre-clinical to clinical phase of the program. The white coat also represents the oath students take pledging to provide the highest standard of ethical care to patients.

Because medical laboratory scientists work behind the scenes, holding an event to highlight the profession is worthwhile, said Malerie Dozier, president of the MLS Class of 2024, which includes 33 students.

“This way the students’ parents and others attending the ceremony understand what an MLS is and how important their role is in health care,” Dozier said.

Speaking at the ceremony were School of Health Professions Dean and Professor David Shelledy, PhD, RRT, FAARC, FASAHP, faculty and leadership of the Department of Health Sciences and Division of Medical Laboratory Sciences, and program graduate Kerén S. Herrera, MS, MLS (ASCP)CM.

“We are very proud of these students for all of their hard work and dedication to reach this important milestone,” said MLS Program Director and Assistant Professor Terri Murphy-Sanchez, MS, MLS: CSMLS, (ASCP)CM.

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