
School of Health Professions

Inaugural class of medical imaging students receives white coats

MS in Imaging Sciences students pose with faculty members after receiving their white coats.


In a year of firsts, the Master of Science in Imaging Sciences program held its first white coat ceremony for its inaugural cohort of students on Dec. 13.

The program welcomed its first cohort of 20 students this fall. The students were joined by their family and other guests for the ceremony, which highlighted the symbolism of the white coat as a commitment to high ethics and compassionate patient care as the students begin clinical rotations.

“It is a ritual to mark the passage of the student into the medical society,” said the program’s director, Assistant Professor Laura Vasquez, PhD, MS, RVT, RT, MRSO. “The white coat is more than just a lab coat. It signifies a coat of caring, compassion and services. It is symbol of your commitment to the profession, to the patients you will serve and an intentful care for the healing process.”

“You are also promising to hold yourself to the highest ethical standard.”

Receiving her white coat was exciting for Mayra Lopez.

“It’s the first time it actually feels real,” she said.

Learn more about the Master of Science in Imaging Sciences program.

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