Email notification of upcoming deadlines will be sent to all Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) students.
Travel Awards
The Graduate Dean has established a mechanism for supporting qualified Doctoral and Master's Students' travel to national scientific meetings for the presentation of their research.
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) accepts Travel Award applications three times a year (Spring, Summer, and Fall). The committee entertains applications for in-person as well as virtual conferences. The funds from this award helps defray expenses related to attending a scientific conference.
Heather Menzie Junior Student of the Year Award
The Heather Menzie Junior Student of the Year Award is presented in honor of Ms. Heather Menzie, a graduate student at UT Health who was unexpectedly taken from us on May 13, 2015. At the time of her passing, Heather had successfully completed her advancement to candidacy in the Microbiology and Immunology doctoral program and already had one publication. Heather was remembered by her classmates as a “servant leader”. In memory of Heather, this award recognizes a graduate student enrolled in the GSBS for no more than three years who demonstrates academic and research excellence. Like Heather, the ideal recipient should also have demonstrated servant leadership within the San Antonio and/or UT Health community.
GSBS Senior Student of the Year Award
The GSBS Senior Student of the Year Award recognizes a graduate student enrolled for no more than six years who demonstrates the best potential for research success as measured by publications, presentations, and awards. The student must demonstrate sustained excellence in academics.
Robles Leadership Award
The Robles Leadership Award is presented in honor of General Joe Robles (USAF ret) and his wife, Patty. At every level, General and Mrs. Robles have demonstrated outstanding leadership, as well as genuine care and concern for each community in which they have served. As such, this award recognizes a graduate student (MS or PhD) in good academic standing who demonstrates excellence in leadership and service within the local and/or UT Health community.
Armand J. Guarino Awards for Academic Excellence
The Armand J. Guarino Awards for Academic Excellence were created to recognize two GSBS students (one doctoral and one masters) with excellence in research, as well as demonstrated achievement in other areas such as leadership and service. These are the GSBS’s most longstanding and established awards for our students.
Greehey Graduate Fellowship (Nomination Only)
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in collaboration with the Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute (GCCRI) seeks nominations for the prestigious Greehey Graduate Fellowships made possible through the generous philanthropic donations of Mr. Bill Greehey & family. These fellowships provide stipend support for one full academic year, plus tuition and fees.
Jess Hay Chancellor's Fellowship
The Jess Hay Chancellor's Fellowship was established to tie graduate education to timely and high quality research benefiting the State of Texas. Jess Hay served on The University of Texas System Board of Regents from 1977-89 and was chairman from 1985-87. Two annual student research fellowships will rotate between select UT institutions.
Presidential Ambassador Award
The Graduate School selects a student to receive a ý Presidential Ambassador Award. The student selected will be asked to fulfill the following requirements for one year.
- Participate in distinguished events such as the Presidential Distinguished Lecture and Presidential Awards Ceremony, the annual visit by the Executive Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs for the UT System, the Health Science Center Gala and other events.
- Assist in promoting their school in whatever ways deemed appropriate by the Dean.
- Address the Development Board to give members an idea of the quality of students at the UTHSCSA.
- Occasionally serve as a student representative at community events.